Sunday, April 4, 2010

BRM - Boring Reading Material

Tomorrow i have my 2nd assessment test
SUBJECT: Business Research Methods
unlike my old college where i enjoyed the luxury of getting 14 marks
no matter what crap i write,
Here in Anna Univ, i need to clear the stupid assessments

I have been trying to read this book since morning
i swear, i have never read total crap like
Business Research Methods by Cooper and Schindler

its so dry and meaningless that i totally forgot i was even alive

I tried mugging some stuffs which i don't think i ll remember now and closed my books

i came online and was browsing and an weird idea of searching BRM topics online came and i came up with this

Everything i have been trying to study was so here
if i had read this at morning, i would not have missed watching a boring movie named scorpion king

Moral of this story:

Big People like cooper and Schindler talk too much, but there is nothing in it, they try to complicate things so that we wont gain any knowledge and we will keep thinking, we will never be like them

Something like a new begining

Hello everybody,

This will be my new blog and it will be frequently updated
(u should believe it :P )
i will be sharing my funny,scary and etc.. encounters here
today i don't have much to say
it was an idea for me to start a new blog from scratch
and today i was less lazy than all the other days
so here you have Destination-Nil
we all have a unique journey to go, no matter who we are
and what we do
We will not have the slightest idea of what our destination would be

Destination - Nil is for everyone who is on the move or getting ready to move
or people who dont know whether they are moving or not

Enjoy the ride
Have as much as fun you could get
Meet you Soon
